Some Alternatives to Church-State Separation
"Pluralism is defined as each person having an equal voice in a democratic process. This has
become the battle cry of Ralph Reed: 'All we want is equal time!' But most politically active
Christians don't want equal time with homosexuals, abortionists, animal worshipping pagans,
witches, radical feminists and pornographers. We want them silenced and mercifully disciplined
according to the Word of God." –
Jay Rogers, "A Book Review: Politically Incorrect by Ralph
"Deuteronomy 13 cites three cases
of instigation to idolatry, first, in vv. 1-5, by the false
prophet; second, in vv. 6-11, by a private individual; and,
third, by a city, vv. 12-18. The penalty in every case is death
without mercy. To the modern mind, this seems drastic. Why death for
idolatry? If idolatry is unimportant to a man, then a penalty for it is
outrageous. But modern man thinks nothing of death penalties for crimes
against the state, or against the 'people,' or against 'the revolution,'
because these things are important to him. The death penalty is not
required here for private belief: it is for attempts to subvert others and
to subvert the social order by enticing others to idolatry. Because for
Biblical law the foundation is the one true God, the central offense is
therefore treason to that God by idolatry. Every law-order has its concept
of treason. No law-order can permit an attack on its foundations without
committing suicide. Those states which claim to abolish the death penalty
still retain it on the whole for crimes against the state. The foundations
of a law-order must be protected....
Basic to the health of a society is the integrity of its foundation. To
allow tampering with its foundation is to allow its total subversion.
Biblical law can no more permit the propagation of idolatry than Marxism
can permit counter-revolution, or monarchy a move to execute the king, or
a republic an attempt to destroy the republic and create a dictatorship.
It should be noted that Deuteronomy 13:5-18 does not call for the death
penalty for unbelief or heresy. It condemns false prophets (vv. 1-5) who
seek to lead the people, with signs and wonders, into idolatry. It does
condemn individuals who secretly try to start a movement into idolatry
(vv. 6-11). It does condemn cities which establish another religion and
subvert the law-order of the nation (vv. 13-18), and this condemnation
must be enforced by man to turn away the judgment of God (v. 17)." – R.J.
Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law, (Nutley, NJ: Craig
Press, 1973), pp. 38-39.
"Deuteronomy 13 is not a popular chapter of Scripture. Several ministers
have expressed to me their hostility to Biblical law by citing Deuteronomy 13;
or 17:2-7 (or, Ex. 22:20); going back to Biblical law, they declare, means going
back to burning heretics. Do I want that?....It is important to face this issue
squarely. Either the whole of Scripture is defensible, or it is not....[I]t
is important
to note that it is not heresy which is condemned but idolatry. There is an
important difference. Heresy is wrong thinking about the word of God, but it
is not idolatry....The Bible requires us to separate ourselves from a heretic
(Titus 3:10; cf. Acts 24:14; I Cor. 11:19; Gal. 5:20; II Peter 2:1), but it
does not go beyond that....All who are content with a humanistic law system
and do not strive to replace it with Biblical law are guilty of idolatry. They
have forsaken the covenant of their God, and they are asking us to serve other
gods. They are thus idolaters, and are, in our generation, when our world is
idolatrous and our states also, to be objects of missionary activity....Only
as God's law is made the practice of men can it become the practice of
nations....Scripture emphatically requires us to reject both the earlier and
the present law systems in favor of a rigorously Biblical, covenantal law
structure." – R.J.
Rushdoony, "Idolatry and the Law," Law and Society: Volume II of The
Institutes of Biblical Law, (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1982), pp.
"The law thus enjoins us as individuals and as a community to be totally separated from idolatry in any form. Our lives,
families, churches, schools, states, and vocations, as well as all things else, must be totally dedicated to God and
free of idolatry, from man's self-worship in any form." – R.J.
Rushdoony, "Idolatry and the Sabbath," Law and Society, p.
"The god of the Arminians* is the god of their imagination, not the God of Scripture.
The fact that many of them are 'good, moral people' no more alters the fact of their
idolatry than does Jeroboam's obvious ability and character negate his sin." – R.J.
Rushdoony, "The Idolatry of Testing God," Law and Society, p.
*[Arminianism is the set of theological doctrines opposed to Calvinism, and includes a
denial of strict predestination in favor of human free will. Most modern Protestant evangelicals
are probably at least de facto Arminians. – M.E.B.]
(formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party)
"I wish to express my appreciation
to the organizers of this event for including me among the speakers. I
have never received an honor greater than that of being placed among the
associates of Dr. Rousas J. Rushdoony, the most influential man of the
21st Century....
My own mind and heart resonates with hundreds of lessons I have learned
for more than twenty years of reading Dr. Rushdoony's analyses and
listening to his sermons, those delivered from the pulpit as well as those
expounded 'From the Easy Chair': the comprehensive applicability and
relevance of the Bible as God's law word, the nature of lordship and
sovereignty, the proper limited role of civil government, the confidence
in God's victory which is the inescapable concomitant of a true
understanding of His word and the corollary implications of the dominion
mandate, as it guides our planning and belief.
Dr. Rushdoony's Institutes of Biblical Law and his other books have
yielded historic changes in the thinking of countless leaders and
followers alike, even many who have not heard his name let alone studied
his work...." – Howard Phillips, Constitution Party founder and 2000 Presidential
nominee, "Remarks of Howard Phillips, Eightieth Birthday of Dr. R.J.
Rushdoony, April 28, 1996," from the old U.S. Taxpayers Party
website. See above for excerpts from Rushdoony's Institutes of Biblical
"CT. Looking now at some specifics of the law, perhaps people find it
easier to accept the death penalty for murder and rape, and certain other crimes,
but then Scripture seems to teach that the death penalty applies to idolatry – for
example, Ex. 22:20, besides other places. How would you see that law's application today?
GLB. ....My own conviction at this point (I am teachable and may change my mind with
correction that comes) is that the civil society has a right to protect its
fundamental authority. When someone comes and proselytizes for another god
or another final authority (and by the way, that god may be man) – when some
one tries to undermine the commitment to Jehovah which is fundamental to the
civil order of a godly state – then that person needs to be restrained by
the magistrate. However, this does not mean that individuals should be
punished for holding heretical views, the views that Baptists think are
heretical or Lutherans think are heretical and so forth. It simply means
that those who will not acknowledge Jehovah as the ultimate authority behind
the civil law code which the magistrate is enforcing would be punished and
repressed. You would, therefore, be open, I believe, to hold Muslim views
or Hindu views in the privacy of your home, provided it was not a Christian
home that you've now come into to subvert and draw away from Jehovah. You
would be able to hold these views as a private conviction. But you would
not be allowed to proselytize and undermine the order of the state.
Before people who are non-theonomists get too terribly upset about this view,
I would at least ask them to reflect on this fact: every civil order
protects its foundations. In the United States you are allowed to do
anything except foment rebellion or revolution against the government.
For instance, a public school teacher would be permitted to hold all sorts
of views which might be controversial or radical, but that teacher may not
encourage students to go out and engage in revolution. Every civil order has
some such final point beyond which you cannot push. What we are saying as
Christians is, that point ought to be that you don't dispute the authority of
Jehovah publicly and call people to follow other gods." –
"An Interview with Greg L. Bahnsen"
"In a Christian nation people are not forced to go to church
or to believe in Christ, but, the open practice of idolatry is forbidden.
It is a capital offense (Dt. 17:2-7). The Bible never accepts the modern
concept of neutrality toward religion for the simple reason that
neutrality is impossible. A Christian nation which allows public idolatry
and blasphemy is on the road toward social suicide and judgment." - Brian M. Schwertley,
"Political Polytheism"
"Monarchy is the best form of Government and a system inspired by God. Jesus was not called the
'Senator of senators,' He was called the 'King of Kings.'
"You'll never have a righteous society with the majority, there will always be a small handful
who lead and take the reigns to change the Govt. and lead the nation out of the bondage they
have gotten into. The masses do not become righteous." – Bob Enyart, "Quotes
(on Government)"
"Homos do not deserve equal rights. The only
rights homos should have is the right to a fair and speedy trial." – Bob Enyart, "Quotes
(on Homosexuals)"
"The government of the United States of
America no longer knows right from wrong. ShadowGov trains men to properly
fill various roles in government. We prepare these men to influence or
direct government once given the opportunity. To this end, we are
recruiting a shadow government that operates like a fantasy football
league. Instead of designing duplicate teams and leagues, we replicate
government offices and functions. The Shadow Government responds to actual
current events, including crimes and international incidents. For example,
judges conduct trials of actual accused criminals within their
jurisdictions, give verdicts and declare sentences within the guidelines
of America's new Constitution and Criminal Code." - Mission
"At 3:47 this morning our new government was empowered with sweeping authority to remake the laws of the United States for the restoration of America.
"This government has the authority and the determination to set things right. It will therefore do so swiftly and surely using Christian principles.
"Over the next one hundred days, your government will issue a lawful and binding Proclamation each day at 8:00 a.m. No press conferences will be held.....
"America’s death row inmates will be executed tomorrow beginning at 7:00 p.m. local time.
"Lethal injection and other painless execution techniques are permanently prohibited. Prosecution witnesses, victims’ family members and friends may
participate in the execution if so desired. From this day forward, those convicted of any capital crime will be executed.
"All abortion clinics are ordered closed and padlocked by the local police or sheriff’s department.
"Anyone aborting, attempting or conspiring to abort, or advocating the killing of an unborn child from this day forward, upon conviction, will be executed.
"Any manufacturer, provider, or advocate of, or anyone procuring, conspiring or attempting to procure, any abortifacient (such as RU 486, the IUD, or any
birth control pill which also acts as an abortifacient) from this day forward, upon conviction, will be executed.
"Anyone advocating, attempting, conspiring to commit or committing murder, including euthanasia (including by the withholding of food and water) or infanticide
(including the killing of handicapped babies), upon conviction, from this day forward, will be executed." - Bob Enyart,
Day One (part one of The First Five Days: How Would Christians Govern America?)
"All homosexual establishments (including bars, bath houses, massage parlors, houses of prostitution, and publication houses) are ordered closed and padlocked by the local police
or sheriff's department.
"Anyone performing homosexual behavior, from this day forward, upon conviction, will be executed.....
"Every TV and radio station must broadcast all executions occurring within their reception area. No audio or video censorship of any execution is permitted. Coverage must be live for
those stations with a live-remote capability. Others must simulcast the live feed from a media pool or run taped coverage. Stations failing to comply will lose their FCC license to
broadcast over the public airways.
"If capital punishment occurs within the states in which a TV or radio network operates, that network must provide live coverage of at least one execution on that day. Affiliates may
choose whether or not to broadcast this network coverage. All stations must, however, air executions that occur within their own state unless pre-empting them with local execution
coverage within their broadcast area." - Bob Enyart, Day Two (part two of The First Five Days: How Would Christians Govern America?)
"As ruler and defender of America, the King is the
supreme judge in the land. The armed forces serve at his command, as do
all subdivisions of government. The King will uphold this Constitution and
protect America’s sovereignty." – from
"The Constitution of America",
"Question: What is the ruling regarding a Muslim who neglected to fast without a permissible
excuse for a number of years? He was fulfilling the other obligations upon him. Does he make
them up or seek to expiate them? How would he make these months up if he had to?
Response: The ruling regarding a person who neglected to fast in Ramadhaan whilst he was
eligible for that, whether male or female, is that he has disobeyed Allaah and His Messenger
and has fallen into a major sin.…If he does not repent it is obligatory to kill him due to his
apostasy, and due to the saying of the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam [May Allaah
send prayers and salutations upon him]) that "…whoever changes his religion (from
Islaam) then kill him." -
Shaykh Ibn Baaz, "The ruling concerning neglecting to fast"
[ is from the Wahhabi Sunni tradition of Islam. - M.E.B.]
"FR: Ever since the deaths of two
abortionists this year, many Christians are asking questions about the use
of violence. According to the Bible, is it ever right to use deadly force
in defense of life? Should the Church take a stand against violence in all
Andrew Sandlin: It is not within the jurisdiction of the Church to
execute violence even against violent offenders who violate the law of
God. Pro-life groups such as Operation Rescue should never do so as a
Church related organization. However, personal responsibility is a
separate issue. This is a separate issue from whether the Church should
employ violence. For instance, let's say that someone breaks into a
family's home and is attempting to either molest or kill the wife or
children. It is biblically justified that you should try to prevent that
from happening and, if necessary, to kill the person attempting to do so.
Now the question we have to ask is: If abortion is the wanton taking of
human life and we would defend life violently in one case, would we not
defend life violently in the other? I'm not saying that we should employ
violence, but clearly it is something that cannot be ruled out from the
beginning of the discussion. If we really believe that the fetus is indeed
a child and it is being destroyed, then is it contrary to the law of God
to use violence to protect it? I realize that this may seem to open the
door to all sorts of radicalism, but it is something that we need to think
about. This is a separate issue from the Church wielding the sword. The
Church may not, in fact, use violence to enforce the decrees of God." –
from "Is Violence Justified in Defending Life?", an interview with Andrew
Sandlin, which was formerly posted on the web site of The
"In a biblical society, cults, or
people who do not hold to a bare minimum orthodoxy, can hold their faith.
They can teach their children their faith. But as far as public worship,
the Bible does seem to forbid public worship that is contrary to Christian
worship....We certainly cannot permit the public proselytizing of
religions that are going to undermine our religious faith and also the
state itself." – "An Interview with
Andrew Sandlin"
"As a tactic for a short-run defense of the independent Christian school movement, the appeal to religious liberty
is legitimate. Everyone who is attempting to impose a world-and-life view on a majority (or on a ruling minority) always
uses some version of the liberty doctrine to buy himself and his movement some time, some organizational freedom, and some
power. Still, nobody really believes in the whole idea. Politics always involves establishing one view of the 'holy
commonwealth,' and excluding all other rival views. The Communist Party uses the right of free association to get an
opportunity to create a society in which all such rights are illegal. The major churches of any society are all maneuvering
for power, so that their idea of lawful legislation will become predominant. They are all perfectly willing to use the
ideal of religious liberty as a device to gain power, until the day comes that abortion is legalized (denying the right of
life to infants) or prohibited (denying the 'right of control over her own body,' after conception, to each woman).
Everyone talks about religious liberty, but no one believes it.
"So let us be blunt about it: we
must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for
Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that
there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education,
and no neutral civil government. Then they will get busy in constructing a
Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies
the religious liberty of the enemies of God." – Gary North,
"The Intellectual Schizophrenia of the New Christian Right", The
Failure of the American Baptist Culture, pp. 24-25
"The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to
submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant - baptism and
holy communion - must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel. The way to achieve this political goal is
through successful mass evangelism followed by constitutional revision." - Gary North, Political Polytheism, p. 87
potential victims in this case are the unborn infants whose lives are
sacrificed on the altar of convenience. Because they are incapable of
speaking on their own behalf, God empowers their fathers to speak for
them, or in cases where a father remains silent, God empowers the civil
government to speak for them: first to prohibit abortion, and second to
impose the death penalty on all those who are involved with abortion,
either as murderers (mothers) or as their paid accomplices (physicians,
nurses, office receptionists, and so forth)." – Gary North,
Tools of Dominion, p. 384
"The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics, in which every area of life is redeemed and placed under the lordship of Jesus Christ and the rule of God's law." – David Chilton,
Paradise Restored, Appendix A:
The Eschatology of Dominion: A Summary
"The law that requires the
death penalty for homosexual acts effectually drives the perversion of
homosexuality underground, back to the closet, to the dark realm of
shameful activity." – Gary DeMar,
Ruler of the Nations, p. 212
"Christians have an
obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the
land for Jesus Christ – to have dominion in the civil structures, just as
in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion that we
are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is
dominion we are after.
World conquest. That’s what Christ has commissioned
us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And
we must never settle for anything less." – George
Grant, The Changing of the Guard, pp. 50-51
"Now even the question of apostacy, irtidăd or deserting of one's faith, for a Muslim, becomes a
shar'í/religious issue-even in this issue he is governed by the laws of Islam. And Islam clearly says: No!
You cannot become an apostate. After coming into the fold of Islam, rejection of the fundamentals is not tolerated....
And that is why Islam has prescribed harsh punishment for irtidăd. It must be emphasized that irtidăd which
we are discussing here involves open rejection, without any force and with the realization of what one's statements or
actions imply. The punishment prescribed by the shari'a for apostacy is death." -
Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, "Apostacy (Irtidad) in Islam"
[ is from the
Twelver Shi'ite tradition of Islam. - M.E.B.]
"Q. I am currently in a philosophy of religion class and my teacher is an atheist. He claims
that under an Islamic state if a born Muslim converts to another religion he is killed. Please tell me if
this is true.
A. ....The person who knows the truth and believes in it, then turns his back on it, does not deserve to
live. The punishment for apostasy is prescribed for the protection of the religion and as a
deterrent to anyone who is thinking of leaving Islaam. There is no doubt that such a serious crime
must be met with an equally weighty punishment. If the kuffaar do not give people the freedom
to cross a red light, how can we give freedom to people to leave Islaam and disbelieve in Allaah
when they want to?" –
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, "Punishment of the one who leaves Islaam"
[Islam Questions & Answers is from the
Wahhabi Sunni tradition of Islam. - M.E.B.]
"We the people of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all
authority and power in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Governor among the
nations, and His revealed will as of supreme authority, in order to constitute a Christian
government, to form a more perfect union, ... do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the United States of America." - The National Reform Association's proposal to amend the Preamble
to the Constitution of the United States of America
"The inner principles of biblical theocracy and of Reformed orthodoxy require the adoption of
Christian libertarianism. What is Christian libertarianism? Christian libertarianism is the
view that mature individuals (professing Christians in the church, and all externally obedient
men in the state) are permitted maximum freedom under God's law....
"Thus, the state must punish murder (Ex. 21:12),
theft (Ex. 22:1-4), idolatry (Ex. 22:20),
and other sins that the Scriptures explicitly requires it to punish. Since we may deduce from
Scripture that abortion is murder (see Ex. 21:22, 23),
that copyright infringement is theft, and that the public worship of the Earth by New Age advocates is idolatry, the state may
suppress these crimes. It is not, however, authorized to punish employers whose buildings do
not meet 'recognized' safety codes, doctors who practice medicine without a state license,
automobile drivers who drive 'too fast,' or pagans who refuse to get baptized. The state's
jurisdiction is limited to the explicit word of God and valid deductions therefrom." - Andrew Sandlin, "The
Christian Libertarian Idea"
"Those who consider death as a horrible
punishment here must realize that in such a case as described in
Deuteronomy 21:18-21, 'death' is inescapable. Contempt of parental
authority, if left unchecked, is the death of the family, law, and order.
The question then is: Who or what should die? The rebel, or family and
society? Furthermore, the life of a rebel inevitably leads to the grave
(sheol; cf. Pr. 30:17); he will die an early death, and probably take
others with him. Finally, God himself declares that even if such a rebel
against parental authority escapes the judgment of man, his curse is upon
that man and he shall be cut off (Dt. 27:16; Pr. 30:17). Therefore, the
execution of the rebel in view is just, merciful, and preventive. Just, in
that the transgressor deserves to die; merciful, in that his quick death
prevents the destruction of the family, society, and others; preventive,
in that it strikes fear in the heart of other would-be rebels and
restrains them from taking a similar ruinous course." - William Einwechter, "Stoning Disobedient Children?",
The Christian Statesman,
January-February 2003
(Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae)
"…[C]an man be
said to have the 'right' to worship God in any manner he wishes? Can man
be said to have the 'right' to freely promote false teachings on religious
matters in society and to spread promiscuously all manner of erroneous
doctrines? Can man be said to possess the 'right' — the moral power — to
teach and proselytize the doctrines of Atheism, Agnosticism, Pantheism,
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Protestantism? What about those who practice
witchcraft or Satanism? Let us especially consider this in regard to
Catholic countries where the religion of the country is Catholicism. Would
Catholic governments be obliged to grant the 'right' in civil law to
propagate all forms of religion? Would Catholic governments be obliged to
allow by civil right the spread of all manner of doctrines held by various
religions?….[E]rror and false religions cannot be the object
of a natural right. (By natural is meant in nature, God-given!) When
societies grant promiscuously the right to freedom of all religions, the
natural outcome is religious indifferentism — the false notion that one
religion is as good as another….From these papal teachings, it is obvious
that Catholic governments would be obligated to legislate against the
promiscuous 'right' of all religions to spread their errors in a Catholic
society." – "The Doctrinal
Errors of Dignitatis Humanae", Pastoral Letter by Bishop Mark A.
Pivarunas, CMRI
[The Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen is a sedevacantist Catholic organization. - M.E.B.]
"Do government officials and
those who hold public trust truly know what they take an oath of office to
do when they take the oath to uphold and defend the manmade constitution
of the United States? And do blind patriots know what it truly means to
faithfully abide by the spirit of such a manmade constitution? To uphold
and defend the constitution and its Bill of Rights is to defend principles
that are the governing principles of the kingdom of Satan. Any law that is
antithetical to the TEN COMMANDMENTS is always satanic." –
Robert T. Lee,
"Man Cannot Make a Law"
"The present world's population of people is said to be nearly 6 billion. It
is expected to rise to 8.9 billion by 2030, and reach 10 to 14 billion by
2050....[M]ost of the ways proposed and being tried to control the human
population is blindness, foolishness, immoral and thus infringes upon
the God-given rights of the weakest and most innocent of the human community.
There is a better and more sane way to control the human
population without allowing immorality, without doing injustice to anyone and
while not seeking to discourage pronatalist views among the human
population....[T]he way to control the population growth is through the
increase of the human mortality rate by legitimate means. Not through the
crimes of abortions, infanticide, euthanasia and etc; but through the
automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high
crimes in the sight of the true GOD....blasphemy against the true God;
idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents; murder; adultery;
incest; homosexuality; bestiality; rape; kidnapping; seeking to destroy the
righteous; putting to death the innocent (such as putting innocent embryos
and fetuses to death in abortions); seeking to overthrow God's appointed
authority, etc....This principle of controlling the population would positively
affect the economic prosperity of nations, positively affect the health and
increase the life expectancy of lawabidding citizens, properly educate the
human race, positively affect the family structure, overwhelmingly reduce
crime, etc. Every legitimate aspect of the human society would benefit
greatly." –
Robert T. Lee, "Controlling the World's Population"
"….It is the contention of this paper that the historic Presbyterian view
of the necessity for the establishment of Presbyterianism as the official
religion of every society is the Scriptural view, and it is the task of this
paper to demonstrate that truth to the current generation of Christians….Once
it has been demonstrated that every society has an established religion,
it should not be necessary to ask any Bible-believing Christian which
religion should be established. Obviously Christianity is the only acceptable
choice because it is the only true religion….However, since there are so
many sects that go by the term 'Christianity,' we need to define the 'brand'
of Christianity that is to be established….[I]dolatry and blasphemy are
crimes as much as murder or theft. All 10 commandments, not just those that
deal with interpersonal relations, are to be enforced by the state….
True Presbyterians have always defended every person's liberty of
conscience….But liberty of conscience is not absolute….It should be clear
now that under a Presbyterian Establishment there will be some form of
liberty of conscience, namely, that which is stated in Chapter 20 of the
Westminster Confession of Faith. Liberty of
conscience is limited, and cannot be used to justify the promotion of
idolatry or wickedness….Presbyterianism is Biblical Christianity, and a
Presbyterian civil government will be nothing more than civil government
conducted strictly according to the Bible. Thus justice will be defined by
God and guided by the Scriptures. Those 'religious crimes' which God says
must be punished, will be punished, and in the way God stipulates…." –
Michael G. Wagner, "A Presbyterian Political Manifesto: Presbyterianism and
Civil Government"
"The religion of the land would be the one that filled the
hearts of the pioneers who founded our country and the
religion of the only true God, whose son is Jesus Christ.
All would not have to belong to a church. That would be
the only freedom of religion.
"All other religions would have to leave the country and
go back to the country that was fashioned after the god that
they worship — the god they now bring into this country.
No more false temples. Either you belong to a living
entity called the “church” or nothing. God’s light still
shining on this country is the only reason we are yet the
most blessed country in the world.
"Now we are back to our grass roots — not to a democracy,
not to a republic, but to a theocracy. Anyone attempting to
set up a government that would have one person ruling
over another would be hanged by the neck unto death…."
- "If I Were President", The Town Crier, volume 2, number 2 (PDF file)
(the Unification Church)
"My dream is to organize a Christian political party including the Protestant
denominations, Catholics and all the religious sects. Then, the communist
power will be helpless before ours. We are going to do this because the
communists are coming to the political scene. Before the pulpit, all the
ministers of the established churches must give their sermon on how to smash
or absorb communism – but they are not doing that. We are going to do this.
Unless we lay the foundation for this, we cannot carry it out. In the
Medieval Ages, they had to separate from the cities – statesmanship from
the religious field – because people were corrupted at that time. But when
it comes to our age, we must have an automatic theocracy to rule the world.
So, we cannot separate the political field from the religious. Democracy was
born because people ruled the world, like the Pope does. Then, we come to
the conclusion that God has to rule the world, and God loving people have to
rule the world – and that is logical. We have to purge the corrupted
politicians, and the sons of God must rule the world. The separation between
religion and politics is what Satan likes most." –
Reverend Sun Myung Moon, "Master Speaks," Third Directors' Conference,
May 17, 1973 [Translated by: Mrs. Won Pok Choi]
Editor's Note: It should be obvious that the groups and individuals quoted
above do not necessarily agree with one another, and the reader should not
infer that a person or organization quoted on this page supports
any particular position espoused by other persons or organizations also
quoted on this page.
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